Archives from 2022:
Hangfarm alkotótelep bemutató
Ellend, 2022. július 16. 17h
Szeretettel várjuk az érdeklődőket a július 11-i héten tartott Hibrid kórusok alkotótelepen készült/készülő alkotások és előadások bemutatójára!
A program a napokban még kialakul, és itt közzé is tesszük majd.
A helyszín: Ellend, Petőfi u. 58. és környéke. Ha kell infó / segítség a kijutásban, vagy van helyed a kocsiban oda-vissza, a
fb-esemény beszélgetés rovatában jelezd!
Közreműködő alkotók:
Bak Bálint, Bornemisza Lőrinc, Domokos Emcsi, Frank L. Kornél, Geizdala Dáriusz, Hoffmann Delilla, Ilcik Dániel, Kovács Balázs, Kovács-Parrag Judit, Madari Kinga, Molnár Tamara, Rumann Gábor, Seregi Fanni, Weber Kristóf
Some photos:

Canvases by Kinga and Zita

Madonna of Ellend (Szabó Zita)

Idol (Gwizdala Dáriusz)


Studio in the shed

Installation by Tami

Exhibition of cyanotypes (Madari Kinga)

Exhivition of fotograms (Rumann Gábor)
Hangfarm - Hybrid choirs artist camp
Ellend, July 11-16. 2022.
We welcome participants to our summer artist camp, which will be open from 11 to 16 July. The overarching theme of this year's week is hybrid choirs: including the writing and performance of songs that can be composed for machine&human choirs, and the design and production of instruments for playing them. Our related workshops also help with this work: composition, costume design and production, lyrics writing, set design, sound synthesis, documentation, etc. The work is scheduled to be presented on Saturday, July 16th.
We are also waiting for the application of those who would help in the preparation of the camp: arranging venues, electrical installation, DIY, etc.
We kindly ask You to apply for conducting related workshops, evening lectures and presentations!
Background informations:
The camp is semi-nomadic (well water, garden shower, kitchen coffee) and self-sufficient (participants take care of their own technical equipment and meals together). Accommodation: tent, loft.
Meals: Hangfarm also offers non-negligible gastronomic experiences! In the implementation of these, the participants of the camp can actively and with raw materials. There is no shop in the village yet, but they are working hard on it, so maybe it will open by then.
Participation in the artist camp is possible under the same conditions as before: you have to undertake to prepare a meal for the community and / or provide its costs. In addition, you can bring drinks, coffee, fruit, etc. But there is still no other participation fee anyway. However, the workshops will have charge: they and related information will be announced during June.
The application procedure can be started via email:
Since 2013, Hangfarm has been organizing various creative camps, art programs, workshops, educational programs, horticultural and forestry projects, mainly in the cross-section of nature and technology. Our locations are within the small village Ellend, on privately owned plots, houses and ruins, and in the virtual world, on the
Faluság blog and in the
Okosház exhibition place. The documentation of our previusly organised events is avaiable at the webpage (here).
Course presentation of electronic music, intermedia and graphic designer students!
Hangfarm & Kovács wineyard, Ellend,
mai 7. june 11. 2022
This year's Hangfarm is being prepared by an exhibition, which will be expanded in the usual place, but with new works.
The students of the Faculty of Arts of the University of Pécs will be able to view the works made during the semester from five o'clock in the afternoon. And at night we have an electronic music party away from it all.
We look forward to working with contemporary artists!
17:00 - 20:00
Tőke Krisztián x Csaba Ajtony Koszecz x Szentpéteri Dóra x Tokodi Krisztofer - Fluoreszkáló Gomba Installáció
Szabó Zita + Szabó Zoltán - Diszharmónium
Incze Patrik- Labirintus
ELND (Emcsi, Lőrinc & Dennis) - New Jugend Kórus
Ádám Péter - perkuSZÍV
Zsótér Kriszti - Piramis
Takács Borza Ákos - Quetzalcóatl
Varga Lili és Gaál Viki - Zenedoboz
20:00 - during the night
Further - Kísérleti ambient / elektronika
Dj RUN - Dj set
LND - experi techno
Babba_von:Mamma - psychill
CV General - gyors techno
Pr!kk - chill hop/absztrakt
Tribe Quest Called Otis - etno techno set
Steva - electrock
Weber Kristóf - electronic silence
Barni - meglepi
Untitled99 - techno
mödmödmöd - experi feedback techno
A kiállítók/fellépők listája még bővül.
Entry to the party: 500 HUF (till 8pm) 1000 HUF afterwards.
- exhibition: Ellend Petőfi S. u. 58. and surroundings
- party: Ellend Kiliti winehill, Kovács wineyard and surroundings