agricultural platform for sound art, Ellend, Hungary
Archives of 2016:
Tehetetlenség találkozó ("artist meeting on the topic Inertia/Impotence"), august 12-13. 2016.
We organised Soundfarm in 2016 as a tematic meeting instead of an art camp and a preceding workshop
The topic of the performances and installations were provided by inertia/impotence (one word for them in hungarian: Tehetetlenség). Currently we are impotence while looking at agression, hate, and unchanging self. We look for it without any action, when we have potential to make something.
with: Bencsik Gábor, Borosi Gábor, Ferenci Erazmus, Kovács Balázs, Kovács-Parrag Judit, Krasz Ádám, Labus Máté, Maljusin Mihály, Molnár Tamás, Nagy Roland, Ollári Szabolcs, Papp Zsófia, Pásti Kata, Posta Veronika, Weber Kristóf
Below some pictures, brochure, video documentation: Poster
Bencsik Gábor 1.
Bencsik Gábor 2.
Concluding talk
stall at night
Kétes igék függvénye
Creating the video work Aleph (Labus Máté)
Nem (Posta Veronika)
Nem (Posta Veronika)
Súlyozott orgonák (Borosi Gábor)
Performance by Pásti Kata
Performance by Pásti Kata
Performance documentation (Labus Máté)
Kétes igék függvénye - installation
Stage on the plateau
T's (Papp Zsófia)
T's (Papp Zsófia)
What are you looking for - Labus Máté és Papp Zsófia performansza
Supercollider camp, june 13-17. 2016.
The Electronic music study program at the University of Pécs and the Hangfarm organised a Supercollider camp for introduction and advanced levels conducted by Zlatko Baracskai
(University of the West of England, Bristol), in the stall of Soundfarm.