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agricultural platform for sound art, Ellend, Hungary

About the Soundfarm project:

Hangfarm (soundfarm) is an experiment to use cutting-edge technology in nomad agricultural setting to create artworks and to rethink self-sustainibility in electronic arts. The form of the experiment, Hangfarm is a 2.5 acre exhibition place with different natural phenomenas, outside of a village, hosting artistic camps, therefore developing the ground idea in community.
The place is also a former agricultural area, where the possibility is open for connecting electronical devices and agriculture. Currently the main target is to create (sound) installations during art camps, running without external power supply; and builing a local information network in order to make possible communication-based works accross the whole area.

Location info:

Ellend is a village with 200 inhabitants, located in southern Hungary, 15 km from Pécs. The place for Soundfarm can be found behind the house at 58. Petőfi S. street, the entrance is possible from there or from the other side:

Our places:

Currently we use the following area:

... with these scenarios:





wooden root gate


gulch 1

gulch 2


Further infos about the "meadow"

Meadow is a ~2000m2 (~21000ft2) area, surrounded by a small forest (on the photo middle top), a small wetland (left), and a canon. It is placed exactly here:

Draft map of the area:

Photos by Kristóf Weber: