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agricultural platform for sound art, Ellend, Hungary

Archives from 2021:

Okosház construction camp 2021.

Hangfarm, Ellend, august 16-21. 2021.

This year we plan a construction camp instead of our regular artist camp: the target is a 101 year old abandoned building and its surrounding. The house is in its original conditions, and we want to use it in our artistic and educational projects. The construction camp is open for people intereset in Hangfarm and Újegyetem, and also in study the renovation works.

Expected works: roof-repair with professionals, mud building, smaller ground-works, but it's also possible to help in the background activities such cookings and organizing.
The schedule is strict: work between 8-11am és 3-7pm, other times are free. Last night we have an open air techno party in the wineyard.

It's possible to join for the whole and for some days - just let we know Your plans in advance!

Meal: we plan to cook - any ingredients welcome.
Accomodation: tent.
Please take care about rains and floods, and also please consider to take food if You have extra needs.

If interested, keep in touch via porta@hangfarm.hu.
Please include contact details and the informations about the planned time to stay here.

fb-event: https://www.facebook.com/events/1402214653448632