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agricultural platform for sound art, Ellend, Hungary

Archives of 2018:

Auxin - Hangfarm Afterparty

October 4th 2018 Szabadkikötő, Pécs
Exhibitions, dj and live act performances contributing the artists of the Hangfarm workshops.

Tervezett program:

12.00 - 13.00: Weber Kristóf
13.00 - 14.00: Gelasmus Marasmus
14.00 - 15.00: Hermelin
15.00 - 16.00: TBA
16.00 - 17.00: Hangmozi (Makker auxreturn)
17.00 - 18.00: Baq

18.00 - 19.00: XRC
19.00 - 20.00: Korai Tweekers Trio
20.00 - 21.00: Kibu
21.00 - 22.00: Untitled99
22.00 - 23.00: Mankind
23.00 - 24.00: Steiner

Picture-sounds - Hangfarm alkotótelep 2018

August 23-26th 2018
Hangfarm is an open-air workshop for natural-technolgical installations. The current years' topic is picture-sounds: the participants will create compositions for photos or visual works.
We publish this tematic after creating several posts on the Vasárnapi képeshang at the Faluság blog.
Please write a mail to porta@hangfarm.hu if You plan to join!

Nomad techno/noise/experimental discharge

August 24th 2018

As one of the evening programs of the current Hangfarm workshops, we organize an off-grid party on a new venue of us.
Schedule: before 9pm the childrens of Hangfarm presents dj-sets; at 9pm Batarita will perform a coreography; after that you can enjoy live sets of Normál Tamás, Pap Zoltán, Nagy Roland, Bak Bálint, Xrc, Steiner and Lőrinczi Áron.

In order to get location info, write a mail to hovamenjek@hangfarm.hu! Or come after 7pm to the 58th Petőfi street in Ellend.
You can arrive with car or bike (15 km from Pécs), you'll find a map at the bus stop, or please ask informations on the email above!
If you arrive with a bus, there are lines starting at 5:40pm, 8pm (Pécs->Belvárdgyula), and 10pm45(Pécs->Szilágy); stop at the Ellend bus station! You'll find map at the bus stop.

Practical infos: take a lamp or something else which can emit light. You can bring your own drink, food (fireplace will also work), clotches, sleeping bags, even a tent. Please take care of the nature and the other people, and don't leave waste behind you!

Free entry.

photoSynth symposium

9th. january 2018. In cooperation with the Faculty of Arts at University of Pécs, we organize a symposium in june which covers the topics of Hangfarm: workshops, presentations and concerts around self-powered electronic devices. More info here: http://photosynth.hangfarm.hu/.

Faluság blog has been launched!

7th january 2018.
Since we figured out the Hangfarm project, we look'd also for a concept to express the rural area as an artistic-associate-cognitive area, which let us to freely jump between separated categories and dimensions. Therefore we started the Faluság blog on 1st january, which will be updated regurarly, we hope. The weblink is http://falusag.hangfarm.hu/, and we call interested people to join in, even in Your native language. The blog is in hungarian, anyway....