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agricultural platform for sound art, Ellend, Hungary


Hangfarm auxin - Szabadkikötő, sept. 26. 2019.

Last year we were invited by Szabadkikötő of Pécs in order to present our works and artists to the public in the city. Resulting in a relative successful and inspiring event, we follow this experiment this year. The current program:

12.00 - 14.00: Sound Hacking Workshop - kütyüsimogató
14.00 - 15.00: Zitey
15.00 - 16.00: Hermelin
16.00 - 17.00: Dr. Hollós

18.00 - 19.00: Rovar17+ MaN (visual)
19.00 - 20.00: Eszelős Meszelős és neje (Faluság diaszínház)
20.00 - 21.00: Új Anya
21.00 - 22.30: Spine vs. Drtwht
22.30 - 0.00: Steiner

Further communication channel can be opened here: https://www.facebook.com/events/916489625374636/

Call for works! Meadowscape soundscape works

Hangfarm is publishing an open call for soundscape works going to be presented in the summer months of 2020. The details can be found here: https://hangfarm.hu/cfw-meadowscape-en.php

Hangfarm summer camp 2019 - some works

Katalin Pásti: Ready? - alakítható történet (excerpt)

Katalin Pásti: Ready? - alakítható történet (excerpt)

Katalin Pásti: Ready? - alakítható történet (excerpt)

Katalin Pásti: Ready? - alakítható történet (excerpt)

Installation by Gábor Borosi

Soundscape installation (excerpt)

Soundscape installation (excerpt)

József Bodonyi introduces his video work

József Bodonyi translates the introduction of performance by Kristóf Weber

Performance by Gábor Borosi and és Hanna Kozma

Preparation by Rovar17 vs. Xpldnglke

Setup by Rovar17 vs. Xpldnglke

Új Anya performance (photo by Rovar17)

Hangfarm artist camp 2019.

August 19-24. 2019.

We're waiting for contribution of artists, who're looking for ways to realize their ideas on the field of media art, sound art, music and literature.
The place for the workshop is in Ellend, Hungary, near to Pécs.
The camp is half-nomade (untreated water, garden shower, compost toilet, kitchen coffee etc.) and self-serviced (the participants provide their equipment and food).
Place for sleep: tent, hayloft, wineyard-house;
There is no participation fee, but we ask for cover the costs of one common lunch or dinner.

There are documents of the previous events on this website's archive section. Apply and other infos here: porta@hangfarm.hu

Nyáreleji kisülés - sound recordings

Nyáreleji kisülés

June 14th 2019 Présház
Open air electronic and experimental music music night.
spine • majsai-németh zsolt • djindji ergimen • ton • steiner • zno • ton & djindji ergimen • xrc • steiner
In the abandoned vineyard: generative sound installation
