agricultural platform for sound art, Ellend, Hungary
Call - Hangfarm workshop week
July 7-13. 2025.
This year, the Hangfarm creative camp is built around workshops, and we are currently looking for their themes and leaders. In the past, in 2020, we have already had a similar creative camp (see its documentation in the archive, and its description here), where analog photography, stop motion, graphic design workshops, a multimedia opera group working with natural materials, sound installation and instrument building group, and a literature workshop were formed. The topics are also free, we look forward to your ideas! Here is a form where you can apply:
The workshops can be planned for the entire week or for a part of the week. There will also be a closing presentation scheduled to July 12th. The workshops will be announced during the spring, and participants can join in them based on prior registration. We will be able to offer a symbolic honorarium for the workshops.
2024. 08. 30.
Welcome to our summer-ending concerts and party in the Okos-house! (Ellend, Petőfi u. 34.)
18h- concerts:
- Késmárki Richárd variations for prepared piano and silence,
- Weber Kristóf: Spidron Music - certain properties of the geometric shape recognized by Dániel Erdély (rotational levitation, phase shift) converted into a tonal musical sound field.
- HardNER AI-music: based on poem adaptations and own writings
19h- faluság diszkó
The event is the finissage of the Földelve installation exhibition as well - it is open for the public during the day.
Public bus lines:
- Pécs->Ellend: 14h35, 16h35, 17h35, 20h10
- Ellend->Pécs: 19h09, 21h34
Videodoc #1 - Weber Kristóf: Spidron Music
Videodoc #3 - Késmárki Richárd: variations for prepared piano and silence
Photos from the Földelve exhibition and Prave party
Opening valleyball
Opening Weber-koncert
Installation by Rimóczi István
Instrument by Rimóczi István
City of Herold Fanni
Install of Vörös Liliána
Imaginary history of Ellend - exhibition interiors
Installations from the light festival
Weber Kristóf: Concerto Elettronico per sintetizzatore e file sonori
Artner Igor Olivér és Székely Márton Tamás: Űr. Rádióhullámok. Szerencse. Szovjetek. Úttörő. Emlék
Földelve exhibition opening, Prave, Ellend.AI
We invite those interested to exciting summer opening programs on June 7!
The Hangfarm is operating as an exhibition place and playground this summer, where you can listen to and try mostly outdoor installations submitted to the "Földelve" open call. The opening of this will take place on the evening of June 7, and it will continue at night in Présház-Rave (abbreviated: Prave) in Ellend-Szőlőhegy.
Exhibiting artists: Artner Igor Olivér & Székely Márton Tamás, Herold Fanni, Balázs Máté Horváth, Zsolt Abonyi, Balázs Kovács, Zsombor Horváth, Ábris Novák, István Rimóczi, Péter Váry, Enikő Szabadi, Liliána Vörös
The music program related to the exhibition opening:
16:30-18:00 Márffy Zaj Péter plays music here and there
18:45-19:00 Kristóf Weber: Concerto Elettronico per sintetizzatore e file sonori
The exhibition can be visited until August 30, 2024. Admission is free, donations (money, electronic gadgets, beer) are welcome. There will be no buffet, bring whatever you want to drink and eat.
Also on the same day, our exhibition on Ellend's imaginary local history opens in the Okosház!
The reason behind this is that during the preparation of the photo exhibition "Ellend long ago" (March 30-April 6, 2024), the idea was formulated that what if we did a little research into the settlement's undocumented past: who still lived in the village, and who didn't picture ever taken? what creatures could they have kept before us? how did the advanced electronics workshop develop? what was life like in the pub? and at the fair? etc. For the implementation, we used artificial imaging procedures, mentioning eras, events, locations, and demographic components that were typical of the village. The material of the exhibition was made up of these results.
The pictures organized to create by Kovács Balázs and Horváth Zsombor. Connected sound design: Dóczy Mátyás.
The exhibition will be held for the first time on June 7, at Földelve exhibition opening. After that, during the summer it can be visited by appointment at the Okos-ház (Ellend, Petőfi u. 34.) You can make an appointment at the following address: or +36202331867